Future Manager World - Argentina

Planning Future - Acting Present

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Romina Lo Schiavo - Argentina Country Manager

CEPIA Member


Romina Lo Schiavo

Argentina Country Manager

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Planning Future


Corporate: Entrepreneurial Succession, Managerial Succession, Change Management, Compensation & Benefit Analysis, Management Relocation, International Employer Branding planning

Talent Acquisition: C-Level Executive Search, Middle Management Executive Search, Existing top and/or existing middle potential assessment programs, Pre-employment aptitude and personality testing programming, International Graduate Recruitment Programs

Flexibility: Temporary Management, HRPO Human Resource Process Outsourcing, RPO - Recruiting Process Outsourcing, White Collar Outsourcing, Payroll Calculating

Training - Future Manager Business School


Financial: Private Banking, Investment Fund, Banking Technology, Corporate Banking, M&A, Consumer Financing, Mortgage

Industrial: Aeroespacial, Automotive, Agribusiness, Aviation, Chemical, Energy, Building, Manufacturing, Oli & Gas

Hi Tech: Software Networking, Telecommunications, Platforms

Roles and Functions:

Board: Ceo, Indipendent board member

Financial: Global Chief Financial Officer, Global Chief Treasury Officer, Global Chief Controlling Officer, Country Chief Financial Officer, Country Chief Treasury Officer, Country Chief Controlling Officer

Marketing: Global Chief Strategic Marketing Officer, Global Chief Operational Marketing Officer, Country Chief Strategic Marketing Officer, Country Chief Operational Marketing Officer,

Sales: Global Sales Officer, Country Sales Officer

Supply Chain: Global Chief Supply Chain Officer, Country Chief Supply Chain Officer

Human Resources: Global Human Resource Director, Global Recruiting Director, Global Development & Training Director, Country Human Resource Director, Country Recruiting Director, Country Development & Training Director

Information Technology: Global Chief Information Officer, Global Chief Digital Information Officer, Global Chief Technology Officer, Country Chief Information Officer, Country Chief Digital Information Officer, Country Chief Technology Officer

Today in Future Manager Argentina

FMW Global Monthly Magazine – Issue n. 5

What are the latest news from the market? And how is the world of HR Consultancy evolving around the world? We are proud to announce the release of our FMW Global Monthly Magazine – Issue n. 5, where we will take a deeper look into these themes with a specific focus on the importance of Flexibility in the labour market. This issue’s Editorial has been written by Federica Sangalli, FMW Group General Manager. Her valuable contribution is called Embracing Flexibility: the new era of the labour market, a piece that examines how adaptability became an essential feature of work environments and job roles, both from the employer’s and the employee’s side. Other relevant Global news contained in this issue concern AI and Cybersecurity, Sales, Industry 4.0, the HR Consultancy world and more. Download and read Issue n. 5 below.

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GEC #9 #YoMeOcupo

Author: Future Manager Research Center Desde la iniciativa Spotlight, una alianza de la UE y las Naciones Unidas, lanzaron un spot que visibiliza la carga mental que implica para las mujeres planificar y gestionar los quehaceres cotidianos. Este audiovisual pone luz sobre mujeres saturadas de trabajo doméstico y presenta a un grupo de hombres que viene a “ayudarlas”. Esta iniciativa busca transformar la frase “yo te ayudo” en “yo me ocupo”, enfocada en generar una actitud proactiva en los hombres y colaborar con la igualdad de género incluida en los objetivos de la ODS 2030. Desde una perspectiva histórica, el rol de la mujer fue asociado a la figura que se ocupa de mantener la unidad de la casa en los quehaceres domésticos. Con el correr de los años, las mujeres han desarrollado y adquirido un lugar mucho más protagónico en el mundo laboral y de los negocios. Sin embargo, la “responsabilidad por la funcionalidad del hogar” sigue siendo el paraguas en el cual se mide y evalúa a las mujeres. Los datos muestran que las mujeres dedican 6,4 horas diarias a las tareas del hogar, y los hombres, 3,4. Es por esto, que la campaña viene a desnaturalizar esta situación y a cuestionar los arquetipos de género que sostienen la inequidad en la división sexual del trabajo. Esta desigualdad afecta las carreras profesionales y laborales de las mujeres y la calidad de empleos a los que acceden, a la autonomía económica, y sobre todo a la salud mental. Estamos en un momento histórico donde se empiezan a poner en discusión los estereotipos de género, vinculados con los roles en el mundo laboral y dentro de las dinámicas familiares, siendo cada vez más frecuentes las preguntas que, como en esta campaña publicitaria, desafían el status quo definido de antaño respecto del lugar que ocupa la mujer en la sociedad. Pincha en el hashtag para ver el video “Los ayudadores” – Campaña #YoMeOcupo Click on the hashtag to see the video “Los ayudadores” – Campaña #YoMeOcupo ENGLISH TRANSLATION BELOW From the Spotlight initiative, an alliance of the EU and the United Nations, launched a spot that makes visible the mental burden that planning and managing daily chores implies for women. This audiovisual puts light on women saturated with domestic work and presents a group of men who come to “help” them. This initiative seeks to transform the phrase “I help you” into “I take care of it”, focused on generating a proactive attitude in men and collaborating with gender equality included in the objectives of the SDG 2030. From a historical perspective, the role of women was associated with the figure in charge of maintaining the unity of the house in domestic chores. Over the years, women have developed and acquired a much more prominent place in the world of work and business. However, “responsibility for the functionality of the home” remains the umbrella against which women are measured and evaluated. The data show that women dedicate 6.4 hours a day to housework, and men, 3.4. This is why the campaign denatures this situation and questions the gender archetypes that sustain inequity in the sexual division of labor. This inequality affects the professional and labor careers of women and the quality of jobs they access, economic autonomy, and especially mental health. We are in a historical moment where gender stereotypes, related to roles in the workplace and within family dynamics, are beginning to be discussed, with questions that, as in this advertising campaign, challenge status quo defined of yesteryear regarding the place of women in society.

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Impact Of Covid-19 Pandemic On Economic Globalization

Author: Future Manager Research Center Global supply chains are an important force supporting economic globalization. The large and complex supply chain network that connects countless manufacturing and service companies around the world has spurred the world economy into an interdependent and integrated organic whole, but it has also increased the vulnerability of the global economy. In a highly dependent global economic system, any economy, especially an economy that is a key link in the global supply chain, temporarily suspends production or restricts trade, which will bring external shocks to other economies that cannot be underestimated. The coronavirus pandemic is a global health crisis, and likewise, it is hurting the global economy established through the supply chain. After the outbreak, from cars to smartphones, from retails to tourism, from aviation services, financial services to technical services … Production has been forced to slow down or even be suspended, which has exposed the extreme vulnerability of the global supply chain, increasing panic and breeding new accusations of economic globalization. In the United States, some people even blamed the emergence of the N95 medical mask shortage for globalization, pointing directly at the de-industrialization of the US economy and the migration of production capacity to Southeast Asian countries. No matter how much economic losses are ultimately caused, the chaos caused by the coronavirus has exposed the uncertain costs that a country will bear in an interconnected global economy. This disturbing situation has led more people to debate the pros and cons of globalization, believing that globalization exposes everyone to bigger risks, and we lack international institutions and resources to effectively prevent and respond to those risks. Dissatisfaction with globalization caused by rising risks is not the first time in human history, and certainly not the last. Every rise of the risk will cause people to debate whether to continue this “partnership” or dissolve the “cooperation”. For some countries , the best way to avoid the virus outbreak is to close the door to spreaders, to achieve self-sufficiency in food and medicine at home, to guard against international travellers and immigrants, in a word, mind your own businesses. This is what Pardis Sabeti and Lara Salahi call the “outbreak culture” in their work on the Ebola crisis. The culture of “split” spawned by the epidemic will erode willingness to cooperate and work together. In response to the pandemic, the isolation of each country is important, but it is more important to share information and resources globally and jointly develop new medicines and vaccines. Because in a highly connected world, the ability to resist risks must be enhanced across the entire system, which depends on “the shortest board on the barrel”. The epidemic poses a serious threat to the world economy and human health. What is urgently needed is the willingness and action to cooperate.

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Future Manager Argentina
Corrientes Ave. 222 , 10th Floor,
Buenos Aires City - Argentina

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