Future Manager Beyond Corona Virus #1


Author: Future Manager Research Center

15 young engineers graduated in various specialist courses, to be recruited and hired in 5 Italian production plants for 5 different company areas. From 15 to 17 planned assessment groups with an average of 12 candidates in the classroom. First Assesment planned for late April.
For this seventh edition, all assessments will be executed in 8 weeks.

This is the challenge that Future Manager is managing in Italy for its world-leading German client in the chemical sector. New technological approach to digital communication and the sourcing of applicants new methodological approach to group management in the classroom, study of transport for candidates and drafting of permits for the mobility of candidates, analysis of the reception structures for candidates, use of all pre and post assessment medical precaution, management of legal precautions, these are some of the aspects that FMA is taking care of.

We are proud to be there!
We are sure we will!

Salvatore Corradi – Chairman