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Gender Equality Committee

Gender Equality Committee News

GEC #4 Lilli Gruber

Author: Future Manager Research Center In Italy she is known for being one of the most respected and feared journalists on television, a woman of undeniable elegance, severe and balanced who is not afraid to say what she thinks. Lilli Gruber is not just a character on the small screen but she is much more: award-winning journalist, former MEP, correspondent and reporter in war zones and today she is also...
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GEC #3 Alicia Moreau de Justo

Author: Future Manager Research Center One of Argentina’s most distinguished and long-lived feminists and socialists, Alicia Moreau de Justo was a teacher, doctor, socialist activist, and journalist and was closely involved in the foundation of several human and women’s rights organizations. She has come to be viewed not only as a seminal figure in the first wave of the Latin American women’s movement but also as a reformer who was...
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GEC #2 Nelson Mandela

Author: Future Manager Research Center "You can see that there is no easy walk to freedom anywhere, and many of us will have to pass through the valley of the shadow of death again and again before we reach the mountain tops of our desires. Dangers and difficulties have not deterred us in the past, they will not frighten us now. But we must be prepared for them like men...
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GEC #1-2021 Kamala Harris and Nancy Pelosi: two women first of their kind

Author: Future Manager Research Center What better occasion than the very first 2021 article of the Gender Equality Committee to talk about "firsts"? We decided to do it through two women who, regardless of political likes or dislikes, made the history of their nation and were "first of their kind". I'm talking about Kamala Harris and Nancy Pelosi, two Americans who have claimed the role of symbols of all-female power....
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GEC #19 Gender Pop

Author: Future Manager Research Center The different has always been frightening and what is considered foreign intimidates. What various institutions are still trying to do today is to reverse this trend, to consider diversity as a value, because it is precisely from the confrontation with different realities that new opportunities arise. To confirm this, just think that if researchers did not think "outside the box" there would be no innovations...
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GEC #18 Religion and Gender Equality

Author: Future Manager Research Center On October 3, Pope Francis signed the encyclical on fraternity and social friendship entitled "All Brothers", letter that has sparked not a few controversies. The Holy Father's intentions were to sensitize the faithful to a better political activity, which was more "popular" and less "populist", also paying particular attention to the issue of the inclusion of foreigners and those most in need. However, the document...
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GEC #17 Gender Diversity in the UK

Author: Future Manager Research Center In 1918, the UK government passed The Representation of the People Act, which paved the way for women to vote in UK elections for the first time. As with much equality legislation, then and now, it fell short of granting parity to those it sought to equalise. The first draft of the act merely granted voting rights to women over the age of 30 who...
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GEC #16 Гендерна нерівність: п’ять порушень прав жінок в Україні

Author: Future Manager Research Center Жінки в Україні мають рівні можливості з чоловіками, було б бажання і здібності їх втілити – така думка є доволі поширеною. Втім хибною, наголошують експерти і доводить статистика. Українки досі зазнають дискримінацій за ознакою статі. Тут зібрані найбільш поширені порушення прав жінок в Україні. Жертви домашнього насильства.  Найбільшим кричущим порушенням прав жінок в Україні залишається домашнє насильство. Щороку від рук кривдників гине близько 600 українок....
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