Future Manager Insights

Gender Equality Committee

Gender Equality Committee News

GEC #15 Poland’s achievements on gender equality in the workplace

Author: Future Manager Research Center Podsumowując rok 2020 w kontekście równouprawnienia płci w Polsce, warto zwrócić uwagę na opublikowany przez Bank Światowy raport "Women, Business and the Law 2020”. W raporcie przedstawiono stopień równego traktowania płci w poszczególnych krajach, które ułożono w rankingu. Raport przygotowany został na podstawie wyników globalnej analizy równości prawnej kobiet i mężczyzn. Wzięto pod uwagę 190 państw i 35 kategorii. Przedmiotem analizy były wpływ przepisów prawa...
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GEC #14 International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

Today, November 25, the "International day for the elimination of violence against women" is celebrated. It is an opportunity to remind the world how important it is not to remain indifferent to a phenomenon that is still prevalent on a global scale. As reported by the World Health Organization, violence against women is a serious public health problem and a serious violation of women's rights. According to WHO global estimates,...
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GEC #13 Gender Equality in China

Author: Future Manager Research Center The status of Chinese women, in ancient times and even in early modern times, can be summed up in one sentence: "Women don't even have a place to put their feet". Following the founding of the People's Republic of China and according to the precepts advocated by Chairman Mao Zedong: "Women can have half the sky"! The role of access to education On May 1,...
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GEC #12 The Japanese Case

Author: Future Manager Research Center It is my great privilege to be asked to share my thoughts here for the FMA Gender Equality Committee on behalf of en world Japan, FMA’s partner here in Tokyo. I would like to take a slightly different approach to my colleagues who have shared thus far and start with our story here at en world. I will start with the context. As many of...
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GEC #11 Inequality of Compensation and Employment in USA

Author: Future Manager Research Center Gender Inequality concerning both compensation and employment is a genuine issue around the world, with the US being no exception. Covid has magnified the problem concerning women even further. Unemployment among women has increased due to Covid based on several factors: Industries that traditionally hire more women (hospitality, retail) have been incredibly hard hit by Covid, causing more layoffs. The coronavirus shutdowns have closed schools...
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GEC #10 Gender Equality in Senior Management: the South African Model

Author: Future Manager Research Center Soon after apartheid was abolished in 1994, South Africa adopted a Constitution that is one of the most progressive in the world.  Apart from for it’s Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment (a policy that attempts to redress the wrongs of apartheid), the SA Constitution specifically forbids the discrimination based on grounds such as Gender, Race, Sexual Orientation, Religion etc.  This has allowed many improvements, especially...
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GEC #9 #YoMeOcupo

Author: Future Manager Research Center Desde la iniciativa Spotlight, una alianza de la UE y las Naciones Unidas, lanzaron un spot que visibiliza la carga mental que implica para las mujeres planificar y gestionar los quehaceres cotidianos. Este audiovisual pone luz sobre mujeres saturadas de trabajo doméstico y presenta a un grupo de hombres que viene a “ayudarlas”. Esta iniciativa busca transformar la frase “yo te ayudo” en “yo me...
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GEC #8 Hvordan skape mangfold i kandidatutvalget?

Author: Future Manager Research Center Vi vet alle i dag at mangfold på arbeidsplassen er viktig, både av økonomiske årsaker og av trivselsårsaker. Mangfoldet starter allerede i den «kandidatpoolen» du skaper aller først i din rekrutteringsprosess, men det kan noen ganger være en utfordring å finne kandidater med varierte bakgrunner – de første hundre treffene du får på LinkedIn viser ofte ganske like profiler, og oftest må det noen andre...
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