GEC #11 Inequality of Compensation and Employment in USA

Author: Future Manager Research Center Gender Inequality concerning both compensation and employment is a genuine issue around the world, with the US being no exception. Covid has magnified the problem concerning women even further. Unemployment among women has increased due to Covid based on several factors: Concerning compensation, while it has been an issue traditionally,…

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GEC #10 Gender Equality in Senior Management: the South African Model

Author: Future Manager Research Center Soon after apartheid was abolished in 1994, South Africa adopted a Constitution that is one of the most progressive in the world.  Apart from for it’s Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment (a policy that attempts to redress the wrongs of apartheid), the SA Constitution specifically forbids the discrimination based on…

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GEC #9 #YoMeOcupo

Author: Future Manager Research Center Desde la iniciativa Spotlight, una alianza de la UE y las Naciones Unidas, lanzaron un spot que visibiliza la carga mental que implica para las mujeres planificar y gestionar los quehaceres cotidianos. Este audiovisual pone luz sobre mujeres saturadas de trabajo doméstico y presenta a un grupo de hombres que…

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GEC #8 Hvordan skape mangfold i kandidatutvalget?

Author: Future Manager Research Center Vi vet alle i dag at mangfold på arbeidsplassen er viktig, både av økonomiske årsaker og av trivselsårsaker. Mangfoldet starter allerede i den «kandidatpoolen» du skaper aller først i din rekrutteringsprosess, men det kan noen ganger være en utfordring å finne kandidater med varierte bakgrunner – de første hundre treffene…

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GEC #7 Lavorare Con La Sindrome Di Asperger

Author: Future Manager Research Center La sindrome di Asperger e l’autismo di alto livello sono classificati come disturbi neurologici e complessi dello spettro autistico. Inoltre, una statistica fornita dal The Economist mette in luce il fatto che solamente il 12% delle persone affette da autismo svolge un lavoro a tempo pieno. Quello che bisogna tenere…

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GEC #6 Εργασιακή ή προσωπική ευημερία: Είδος της απασχόλησης και επαγγελματική και οικογενειακή ισορροπί

Author: Future Manager Research Center Πώς επιδρά το φύλο στην επιλογή αυτού του είδους εργασίας; Αδιαμφισβήτητα, πρόκληση για τους εργαζόμενους, αποτελεί η εξισορρόπηση των απαιτήσεων της καθημερινότητα τους,  αναφορικά με το φόρτο εργασίας και τις υποχρεώσεις της οικογενειακής τους ζωής. Στην Ελλάδα του 2020, όπου η οικονομική κρίση έχει αφήσει το αποτύπωμα της και ο…

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GEC #5 Igualdade de Género Onde Começar?

Author: Future Manager Research Center A igualdade é, em Portugal, um direito consagrado na Constituição Portuguesa, no entanto, e apesar de nos últimos anos termos vindo a assistir a uma evolução positiva, ainda estamos longe do razoável em termos de igualdade de género. A remuneração das mulheres é em média 16,7% abaixo da dos homens,…

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GEC #4 Como Reducir La Brecha Salarial Entre Hombres Y Mujeres

Author: Future Manager Research Center En el 70% de las grandes empresas europeas sólo las áreas de recursos Humanos y Compensación están preocupadas por analizar y proponer soluciones en materia de igualdad retributiva, ¿por qué no se hace participe a toda la organización si se trata de un problema que afecta a todos? En las…

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GEC #3 Plus De Cadres Dirigeantes Dans Les Entreprises, Un Levier Vers Plus D’Égalité Professionnelle

Author: Future Manager Research Center Au tournant de l’an 2000, les femmes de plus en plus diplômées se sont organisées dès la sortie des grandes écoles pour s’imposer dans les fonctions à hautes responsabilités. Souvent reléguées aux postes de back office comme les Ressources Humaines ou le marketing et la communication, elles ont tenté de…

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GEC #2 Kwart Vrouwen Overweegt Stap Terug In Loopbaan Vanwege Corona

Author: Future Manager Research Center Het is inmiddels duidelijk dat de coronacrisis vrouwen hard raakt. Uit Amerikaans-Canadees onderzoek blijkt dat één op de vier vrouwen overweegt werk terug te schroeven als gevolg van de pandemie. Vrouwen dreigen eerder hun baan kwijt te raken als gevolg van het coronavirus dan mannen, schreven analisten van Amerikaanse zakenbank Citigroup eerder…

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