
Avoid that the hiring of a Temporary Manager turns out to be unsuccessful

Author: Future Manager Research Center When a company decides to hire a new employee, it must take into account the possible implications of this decision. One of the most negative scenarios occurs when the chosen candidate decides to leave the company, creating a void that must be filled again. A hiring is considered unsuccessful when…

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For Each Problem a Solution: How Not To Wreck the Temporary Management Activity

Author: Future Manager Research Center In the previous weeks, the figure of the Temporary Manager was extensively illustrated along with various positive aspects that the adoption of this figure can ensure for a company (including speed, flexibility, operativity, effectiveness and optimization). The survey proposed in this article instead aims to highlight a different and often…

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When one Door closes, another opens

Author: Future Manager Research Center For various reasons, by the end of the year a significant number of Executives could temporarily exit the job market. Often, but not always, this happens to those managers who are in the last decade of activity before their retirement and it is a phenomenon that does not spare even…

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